Create by: Mary Hughes

Resources for teachers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Speak up Survey

Click the link below to connect to the survey site.

1.      Click on Educators. 

2.      Click appropriate position… 

3.      Type in our zip code…35750

4.      Click Find.
5.      Click Meridianville Middle School

6.      Click Teacher Survey (Or Whatever is appropriate for your position)

7.      Click Log In

8.      You will see a letter or note.

9.  At the bottom click Next (Note that there are 35 questions).

10.  Then answer the questions. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tech Tuesday: Open Ed...Common Core Resource

There is another Common Core resource that has so many things to help teachers.  I think this site is worth you time!

I like this site because it is organized in a way that you can get to the standards by grade and it gives you different resources per standard per grade.  Most of the resources are videos or podcasts. If you use Edmodo you could link to a site that you want your students to see or use.

You can do so much with this!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tech Tuesday: Madison County CCRS Pages updated

CCRS webpage for Madison County has been updated.
Please look at the new link called Implementation Team Resources.
There are several tabs at the top of the LiveBinder page that the Implementation Team has created.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tech Tuesday: iPads--36 ways to use them in the classroom

I found this really cool article about ways to use iPads.  Actually, it is an article with an embedded video listing the ways that you can use iPads in the classroom.  It is being edited all the time so there could be more than 36 ways. Some of the ideas are for elementary, but there were some good middle school ideas.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013